(tags: Frosty, Frosty the Snowman, Winter, solstice, snow, Generic Series, bird, cardinal, vibrator, mask, magic)

- Mike Green
- DEEP DIVE cARToons are pop-culture commentary, and often a bad mash-up of it. DEEP DIVE cARToons are meant to provoke a thought and a smile. That's it. Please enjoy them and tell your frienemies to too!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
520. Doomsday 2012
With Dec. 21, 2012, quickly approaching, people around the world are grappling with doomsday phobia and fears of an impending apocalypse.
Friday, Dec. 21 marks the end of the Mayan long-count calendar. On this day, doomsayers believe the world will end. Some fear a wayward planet called "Nibiru," supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, will collide with the Earth. Others point to a 2012 doomsday in Biblical prophecy, a cataclysm complete with fiery explosions, earthquakes and floods.
(tags: Generic Series, Doomsday, Mayan, Calendar, end of the world, prophesy, religion, culture, history)
Friday, Dec. 21 marks the end of the Mayan long-count calendar. On this day, doomsayers believe the world will end. Some fear a wayward planet called "Nibiru," supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, will collide with the Earth. Others point to a 2012 doomsday in Biblical prophecy, a cataclysm complete with fiery explosions, earthquakes and floods.
(tags: Generic Series, Doomsday, Mayan, Calendar, end of the world, prophesy, religion, culture, history)
519. The Fiscal Cliff Hanger
“Fiscal cliff” is the popular shorthand term used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect.
Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 government programs - including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."
(tags: Political Series, economy, president, congress, Barack Obama, Economics, money, taxes, laws, Health Care, House of Representatives, Senate, America, United States)
Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 government programs - including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."
(tags: Political Series, economy, president, congress, Barack Obama, Economics, money, taxes, laws, Health Care, House of Representatives, Senate, America, United States)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
518. Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings
(tags: holiday, christmas, Political Series, Generic Series, Obama, president, Santa Claus, Hope, Barack Obama)
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
516. Black (Joe) Friday
Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers open extremely early and offer promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many Commonwealth Nations. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many non-retail employers also observe this day as a holiday along with Thanksgiving, giving their employees the day off, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
515. Elmo Loses His Voice
In its statement Tuesday, Sesame Workshop said "the controversy surrounding Kevin's personal life has become a distraction that none of us want," leading Clash to conclude "that he can no longer be effective in his job."
"This is a sad day for Sesame Street," the statement said.
(tags: Entertainment Series, Sesame Street, Elmo, Kevin Clash, Sex)
Monday, November 19, 2012
514/354. Thanksgiving Turkeys
(tags: Holiday, Thanksgiving, Turkey, Animal rights, Animals, Slaughter, humanity, Vegetarian, food)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
513. Hostess Folds Operations
Twinkies may last forever, but the same can't be
said for Hostess
Brands Inc., the company that makes the popular cream-filled spongecake.
Hostess has asked a bankruptcy judge for permission to go out of business and lay off 18,500 workers, blaming a strike by members of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union.
"We deeply regret the necessity of today's decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike," Hostess Chief Executive Gregory F. Rayburn said in a statement Friday.
Hostess Twinkies’ CEO tripled his salary to $2.55 million while the company was preparing to go into bankruptcy. And nine top executives saw massive pay raises, some nearly doubling their salary. Ah, another greedy CEO who courageously blamed the union for his failure, while omitting the part about tripling his own pay while preparing to go under.
(tags: hostess brands, twinkie, suicide, Business, Greed, Unions, Political Series)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
512. General Petraeus Begins to Fade Away
During their affair, retired Army Gen. David Petraeus and his alleged former mistress Paula Broadwell used a cyber trick known to teenagers and terrorists in an effort to hide their communications. Sources say they often composed draft emails which they both could read on a shared private email account -- without having to transmit the messages.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
511. Romney Loses Election
Beating GOP candidate Mitt Romney, President Barack Obama won re-election exactly the way his campaign had predicted: by running up big margins with women and minorities, mobilizing a sophisticated registration and get-out-the-vote operation, and focusing narrowly on the battleground states that would determine the election.
(tags: election, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, DNC, GOP, 2012, President)
(tags: election, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, DNC, GOP, 2012, President)
Monday, November 5, 2012
510. 2012 Likely Voters
(tags: election, 2012, vote, Republican, Democrat, Independent, President, Vice President, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Statistics)
Thursday, November 1, 2012
509. Halloween Booty
Sorting through the halloween goodies, 2012
(tags: Holiday, Halloween, pumpkin, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Election, Candy)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
508. Taylor Swift Breaks Up, Again.
Taylor Swift, 22, has split from her boyfriend of three months, Conor Kennedy, 18, Us Weekly reports. A close friend of Swift's tells the magazine that their summer romance has ended.
Monday, October 22, 2012
507. The Undecided Voter, 2012
(tags: election, 2012, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, Back To The Future, Delorean, Barack Obama, US Flag, GOP, vote)
506. Back To The Future, Again.
(tags: election, 2012, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, Back To The Future, Delorean, Barack Obama, US Flag, GOP, vote)
Friday, October 5, 2012
505. B is for Budget
(Concept by Cali Tatum)
A day after the Twitterverse exploded in reaction to Mitt Romney's vow to fire Big Bird by cutting federal funding to PBS, "Sesame Street" declined to enter the political fray, turning down requests from TV talk shows for an appearance by the giant yellow avian.
But others voiced support on social media and elsewhere, reigniting a debate about taxpayer funding of public broadcasting. (read more http://alturl.com/rzvw7)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Political Cartoonist Contest, 2012
These are the twenty DEEP DIVE cARToons submitted in the 2012 cartooniststudio.com politcal cartoonist contest, Jun 11 - Aug 18, 2012, in reverse chronological order.
After decisively winning the popular vote, the supreme court of idiot cartoonists ruled against me and DEEP DIVE cARToons, without so much as an explanation. I greatly appreciate the support and votes of DEEP DIVE fans throughout the contest.
Thanks again, sincerely, for your support! Mikey G. Sunday, July 22, 2012
503. Paterno Statue Removed from Penn State
Penn State removed a statue of Joe Paterno from its grounds. University leaders acknowledged that the 7-foot statue of the late Paterno had become "a source of division" at the school after Jerry Sandusky, Paterno's former assistant coach, was convicted in June of sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years. Now what?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Vote for DEEP DIVE cARToons!
click the link to see the latest DEEP DIVE cARToon and help vote DEEP DIVE the best poitical cartoon goin'! http://www.thecartooniststudio.com/Contestant/6/Mike-Green
you can vote every six hours during the contest - new cartoons are posted Wed & Sun at midnight EST, 10 Jul-18 Aug 2012.
you can vote every six hours during the contest - new cartoons are posted Wed & Sun at midnight EST, 10 Jul-18 Aug 2012.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
502. Anderson Cooper: Gay
In an email exchange with The Daily Beast columnist Andrew Sullivan published Monday, the 45-year-old journalist finally indicated that he is, indeed, a gay man.
"The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud," the CNN anchor wrote.
tags: Anderson Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt, CNN, gay, lgbt, GLBT, equality, Gay Rights, Gay Flag
Thursday, June 28, 2012
501. the Gay Oreo
The issue of gay members and leaders in the Boy Scouts of America came to a head in 2000, when the Supreme Court ruled that since the BSA was a private organization, it could restrict its membership. But in April of this year, a resolution that would permit individual units to accept gays as leaders was presented at the May Scouts national meeting, along with a petition from Change.org with over 275,000 names protesting the removal of a lesbian den mother.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Vote DEEP DIVE cARToons Best Political Cartoon
VOTE Daily (& every 6 hours):
Please vote for DEEP DIVE cARToons in
The Cartoonist Studio's Political Cartoon Contest
Voting takes place daily from
June 11-July 11, 2012.
New cartoons are added Mon/Thu.
Support the ARTs and vote for DEEP DIVE cARToons at:
Sunday, June 3, 2012
500. Richard Dawson, RIP
Richard Dawson, the British-born actor and comedian who played a larcenous prisoner of war on the comedy “Hogan’s Heroes” and became a star as the dapper and gregarious host of the game show “Family Feud,” died on Saturday, June 2nd in Los Angeles. He was 79.
Monday, May 14, 2012
499. America's Got Talent (AGT), cont.
Howard Stern replaced Piers Morgan for Season 7 of America's Got Talent (AGT), premering Monday, May 14 at 8 p.m. ET on NBC, joining host Nick Cannon and judges Howie Mandel and Sharon Osbourne. (tags: howard stern, America's Got Talent, Sharon Osbourne, Howie Mandel, Nick Cannon, baba booey)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
497. North Korea, cont.
(PYONGYANG, North Korea) — North Korea was poised Thursday to send a rocket into space as the nation's young leader ascended to new top political posts strengthening his hold on power. There was no word early Thursday morning on the timing of the launch, which the North has said will take place sometime between Thursday and Monday. The launch, which the North says is for peaceful purposes, has raised international concern. more: http://alturl.com/nbnop
Monday, April 9, 2012
496. Mike Wallace, RIP
Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace (May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012) was an American journalist, game show host, actor, and media personality. During his career, which spanned over sixty years, he interviewed a wide range of prominent newsmakers.
He was one of the original correspondents for CBS' 60 Minutes which debuted in 1968. Wallace retired as a regular full-time correspondent in 2006, but still appeared occasionally on the series until 2008. Here, he interviews Jesus.
(tags: Obituary Series, News, Journalism, Entertainment Series, Mike Wallace, Jesus, Interview, 60 Minutes)
He was one of the original correspondents for CBS' 60 Minutes which debuted in 1968. Wallace retired as a regular full-time correspondent in 2006, but still appeared occasionally on the series until 2008. Here, he interviews Jesus.
(tags: Obituary Series, News, Journalism, Entertainment Series, Mike Wallace, Jesus, Interview, 60 Minutes)
Saturday, April 7, 2012
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